Children and Angelic Encounters
Judah: One reason why children are more likely to report angelic encounters is their ability to relax the mind into states of imagination and creativity. Children may experience the manifestations of angels or extra-terrestrial beings because they easily slip in and out of imaginative play and daydreaming states. We take advantage of these opportunities to emanate messages of love and truth to children and to guide them in their personal destiny.
The vessel (the woman doing the writing here) recalls an incident when her oldest child was young, around five years old. While playing alone quietly in her room, she reported having seen a man in white standing in the closet. The closet was usually kept open as her toys were stored there. Her mother reassured her of the presence and its love and care for her, and did not question the child’s seeing or knowing of the being. She asked the child if the man said anything to her, and encouraged her to ask the man questions if he came again. The child was not troubled by the man’s appearance, for her mother had taught her of the reality of angels from a very young age. The mother commonly sang a song about angels’ love and protection, and an artistic rendering of an angel overlooking a child’s bed was placed in the girl’s room.
We wish that all children be acclimated to and aware of the presence and activity of angels and extraterrestrials. “Normalizing” angelic or extra terrestrial encounters is the ultimate in “diversity training.” If children are taught to accept people of all colors, shapes, gender designations, sizes and cultures, wouldn’t that quite naturally include beings from other dimensions of various sizes, shapes and orientations? We desire that, upon seeing or hearing an angelic being or ET, both children and adults might feel at ease and inquisitive. Rather than stunned and awed silence at the wonder of having seen an angel, perhaps asking, “Why are you here? What is your purpose? How can I collaborate with you?”