Death Transitions
Some humans we serve are leaving their physical three-dimensional body to ascend to the fourth dimension or beyond.
“Remember your Creator while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps…” Ecclesiastes 12:6, NLT
In death the etheric silver cord of life which tethers the soul to the body is severed. In ancient Chinese medicine, this silver cord is known as acupuncture meridians. These meridians are the pathways through which Life Force flows. You may think of this as Spirit or Qi, and it is the part of you that is God. With this severance the soul loses density and begins to rise into the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is a dream state of the soul wherein the soul is constantly and instantaneously creating their own unique reality. Some souls perceive their creations as heaven and others as hell. Both heaven and hell are a psychic state in the dream story of the soul. The movie What Dreams May Come (1994) is a very accurate rendering of this phenomenon.
In this dimension, we assist beings in reviewing their most recent life’s experiences in the light of loving acceptance and truth. They are given space to process all its events and outcomes, and review all the potentials that were unexplored. Upon completing this review, most will decide to return to an earthly experience in a new third-dimensional body as a newborn infant. This process may be known to you as reincarnation. We are aware that many called Christians have discarded the concept of reincarnation as false or heretical, however, it exists nonetheless. Many Christians, upon death, are most pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to return to earth in a completely new experience.
In some cases, souls will ascend to the fourth dimension, and upon review of their life and its various impacts and outcomes, decide to return to their body. This may be in response to the calling of loved ones left behind for their return, or their own sense of not having completed their individual purpose for this specific incarnation. In these cases, if the physical vehicle is within the possibilities of repair and reanimation, the soul may return to the body. This is known to you as a near-death experience, resuscitation, or in some instances, resurrection.
In cases in which a life experience was surprisingly terminated through entanglement with a destructive energy, this opportunity is offered. In most cases, the soul rejects this offer due to the bliss and comfort experienced in the fourth dimension. The wonders of heaven are both their perception and new reality. In this dimension, they live in an ever-changing dream of heaven shaped at will by their heart’s desires. This is similar to your nightly dream state in which experiences flow and shift without the boundaries of the mind.
In some cases, beings who leave their physical avatar in death unwittingly withhold themselves from our aid. They have perished in a state of unconsciousness in which their soul is in a state of spiritual slumber.
“You have seen many things, but you pay no attention; your ears are open, but you do not listen.” Isaiah 42:20
These are ones bound by fear, hatred, resentments and malaise. Fear is the tap root of all their soul’s dis-ease, and guilt and shame are the soil that holds the root in place. The review of their seemingly misspent life is experienced as the worst sort of torment. They are unable to access our loving assistance, and our position is one of non-interference. They are in the dream of hell, like a nightmare from which they cannot awaken, perpetuated by their own psychic energies. (People may also experience this hell in the body through the mind prior to death.)
“True justice is paying only once for each mistake. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake. How many times do we pay for one mistake? The answer is thousands of times. The human is the only animal on earth who pays a thousand times for the same mistake. The rest of the animals pay only once for every mistake they make. Not us. We have a powerful memory. We make a mistake, we judge ourselves, we find ourselves guilty, and we punish ourselves. If justice exists, once is enough, and we do not need to do it again. But every time we remember, we judge ourselves again, we are guilty again, and we punish ourselves again and again and again. True injustice is paying more than once for each mistake.” Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements
The mind’s unconscious belief systems hold the soul in hell, punishing the Self over and over. In attempts to alleviate their distress, some of these souls may access and interfere with circumstances and persons from their former earthly life through energetic cords or soul ties. The humans they engage may perceive this as bad luck, bad karma, negative energy, demonic influences, generational curses, bad genes, or being haunted. Those under the influence of these tormented departed souls, through their own diligent interior soul work, may eventually influence the release of the tormented soul back to the earth in rebirth or forward into fifth dimensional life.