Dream Work with Judah
Questioner: Judah, how can I experience you? Work with you?
Judah: Many who first encounter us do so in their nightly dream state. This is a primary way we send messages, release negative constructs and develop relationships with human beings. Dreaming influenced by extra dimensional beings can be fourth, fifth or higher dimensional experiences for the dreamer. We like to communicate in this way because it is not completely obstructed by the human’s thought processes or belief systems, including their ideas about beings such as ourselves. Because of this we can make a more direct and effective impact on the soul for good. Also, it is a preferable and more natural mode of communication for us, as it does not require language. We are able to communicate messages to the dreamer’s soul through color, sound, light and emotion, bypassing the mind’s constructs. You might think of this as telepathy or a heavenly visitation. The dream state is a primary platform in which we can work to set the soul/psyche free of emotions, trauma and belief systems that are preventing the soul’s freedom and higher good. We are also able to bring measures of physical healing during dream states, and, at times, complete physical restoration.
Without the influence of higher dimensional beings, much of dreaming is meaningless mindless chatter at best, and full-on struggles with one’s shadow side and fears at worst. The later you think of as nightmares. This is the reality for unconscious humans who are spiritual sleepers.
For beings who have achieved significant spiritual freedom, the possibility to travel through time, space and alternate realities exists in dream states. You may know this as astral travel or prophetic dreams. For these, we act as an elevator operator, allowing humans to traverse in and out of higher celestial dimensions in the dream state. With our influence in the dream state, these enlightened ones may have a significant impact on earthly and heavenly realities through their actions in the dream state. Some spiritual seers spend the majority of their sleep in a state of prayer for the earth. In other words, they can change and shape realities for the good from the soul’s stance in the dream world. Some seasoned spiritual seers spend the majority of their sleep hours in a state of prayer for the earth. Some gifted seers such as Edgar Cayce, can also engage this type of work from a trance-like state.
“The Tao is called the Great Mother:
Empty yet inexhaustible,
It gives birth to infinite worlds.
It is always present within you.
You can use it any way you want. “ ~Lao Tzu
The dream state is a fourth-dimensional world of infinite possibilities and opportunities for orchestrating wholeness, oneness and the will of God. For this reason we are very active in this plane, making introductions between the human soul and other beings who have specific keys for the human’s release and enlightened journey. To clarify, the dream state may be accessed through daydreaming, imagination, trance, meditation, or in sleep states.