In A Spiritual Funk
Q: I am in a funk. Can you help me?
Judah: Yes! You have slipped on the slippery slope of pleasing people. Trying to make others happy is the antithesis to actually being happy. Stop pleasing people, and people will not be pleased.
Since happiness is an inside job, you can bend over backwards to make another happy, and they will still arrange to be miserable. Suffering is inevitable in life, however misery is optional. If someone has decided to feel victimized and unhappy, there is nothing you can do to change their decision. They are like unto a set point on the thermostat controlling the temperature in your home. If they have decided to be 65 degrees, you may change the atmosphere as much as you’d like. In the end, they will still gravitate back to 65. Those with an emotional setpoint of sad, will always find reasons to be sad. Those with an emotional setpoint of anger will always find ways to be angry. Those who are determined to be unhappy or critical will not be deterred by any of your efforts, and you will only gravitate towards their negative energetic state.
“Care about people’s approval and you will be their prisoner." Lao Tzu
If you find yourself in a spiritual funk, it is likely that you have been relating to yourself, others or God from a perspective of fear, obligation or guilt. Fear Obligation and Guilt will keep you in a FOG and you will not be able to see beyond the end of your nose.
Wisdom is to tend the garden of your own soul. Give your own heart sun, water and regular weedings. Leave others to their own.