Wash Cycle and Rose Colored Glasses
On July 19,2022, the Pleiadians gave this message through channeling. It was given in light language and then translated. Here is the transcription:
Thank you for your time and your service and for reception of this transmission which, metaphorically speaking, to give you some light and understanding, is like unto running a garment through a wash cycle. You being the garment, and we doing the washing. Washing, washing, washing your cellular structure. Washing, washing, washing, washing, washing your cellular structure.
Far too much thinking going on, far too much thinking! Move along, move along to the next thing. Let things go. Let things go. You don’t need to understand everything. Everything equals something, but you don’t need to understand all of it. Just move along to the next thing. You have cosmic tasks, cosmic tasks, cosmic tasks, cosmic tasks, my dears. So move along, move along.
Listen, listen! Listen, dearies! It is time for you to shape the reality rather than the reality shaping you. Time to get busy bending those spoons, bending those spoons, bending those spoons. Shape and shift, shape and shift, shape and shift things the way you want them to be. Now, now, listen, listen! You are both growing up. You are grown ups, and there is no need for you to be shaped, molded, pressed, pulled, or pushed in any way by your environment. Anything going on in your reality, you see, you should be the one shaping, shifting, pulling, pushing. It is for you to do, you see, not for others to do to you.
Now all you need to do is just receive your position, your position. Know what your position is, magician, physician, musician position. Shaping, shifting, pushing, pulling in the cosmic way that is needed. It is time, time, time to stop letting people, places and things push you this way and that. It is not necessary. You are not a pinball in a pinball machine.
You are the one playing the machine, not the ball being bounced and being played by cosmic forces. Get that straight, my dears! We are not chastising you, we are simply reminding you. It’s time, its time, its time. You are fifth dimensional beings now. Time to operate as such. Things are not as they seem, and they are not as people, places and things say that they are. Things are as you make them to be.
Today we guided this vessel, through Judah, to buy a new pair of rose colored glasses. See this is what we want for you. In your culture people make fun and they say, “Well, he wears rose-colored glasses,” meaning he is a ridiculous optimist..not very grounded, optimistic, naive. But trust me, my dears, it is for you to have rose colored glasses. This is our intention. Listen! If everything were going to fall apart and be a disaster, this human experience, then we would not bother to help then, would we? If there were no hope, we would not waste our time. At this time in your culture, there is a sort of suction like water going down the train-drain of a bathtub, and the collective consciousness is being sucked down, down, down into despair and hopelessness. How will you keep yourself from being sucked down the drain? By the sheer force of the collective consciousness? My dears, keep on your rose-colored glasses. See clearly, clearly, clearly from a cosmic perspective. Your perspective must be from up above and beyond your earthly existence. Your birth to death timeline is finite and limited, but who you are is not, and if you want to impact humanity and universal consciousness – alignment for humanity – you must rise up above your birth to death timeline and look down about it from above as simply a guest. You are simply a guest here. Here for a little while, that is all. This is not your home, you see. It does not matter if you do not fit in. You cannot fit in and do what you were sent here to do. So go ahead and be the odd man out. Be a creative vital life force – magician, physician, musician. In the earth, a vital life force, portals bringing in cosmic destiny. We do not care what you believe or who you align yourself with as long as you are alive and aligned with Consciousness, with the God That You Are.
Questioner: Is part of it that we are not using our intention the way we should? Or as much as we should?
Pleiadians: Well, you just do not believe that you are the player standing at the pinball machine pushing the buttons. You just don’t believe it! You just don’t believe it yet! You still feel as if you are the ball being bounced around by this and that and the other, by this person and that person, and this energy, and that energy, and this happening, and that happening and so on and so on. And it is not so! You say you believe that you believe that you are the creator of your own reality. but you do not really, truly believe it. Yes, there are moments when you believe it and have evidence that you are creating your own reality, but you are most aware of it when something is going badly, not when things are going well. What we want you to understand is this: You are not just the creator of your day to day happenings. You are creating vast cosmic enclosures and happenings.
As we said the other day, your auric field has increased now to about the size of a football field or big box store. Even when you are momentarily spiritually sleeping, this is the size of your Buddha field. It is always around you, but your possibilities for impact are ever so much larger. You mentioned intention. Your intention is limitless. Do not let the news tell you how things are. You make the news! You make it yourself! Is there anyone saying, “Humanity is going to succeed! Humanity is going to thrive! Humanity is going to respect one another and the condition of the soul and the planet!” Is there anyone like that?
Wear some rose-colored glasses, my dear, and believe what you say. Believe that when you say, it is done. It is finished! Healed, done. Healed, done. Next, healed, next, done, next, free. Energy moved, set free. We do not condone these lifelong processes to be free from trauma and programming. Hogwash! Let’s just move the energy, that’s all. Too much talking, my dears. Too much talking everywhere and not enough being and doing, but being mostly. Peace now, now, now. When the vessel sings the song and the visuals are created you must put in your intention that millions will receive impartations of peace and they will stop their wranglings of the mind and their warring attitudes, and peace will prevail on the earth and in the cosmos. And those in the earth will align with the cosmic reality of peace and peace will pervade. And may the song be a sonic boom of peace impartation.
Now you can feel that our transmissions come from a higher dimension and frequency. You may choose to do things the hard way or the easy way. So stay connected with what we are saying. Live it. Be it. Bend the spoons. My dears, you have so much light to emanate, a light to completely dispel all shadow and darkness in your Buddha field at all times. Be aware that as your Buddha field moves with you ALL darkness is being dispelled and everything is being made new and regenerated and cleansed. If it is within your field, let them come and let them be renewed and cleansed. And let the darkness move out and newness come. Do nothing but simply emanate, emanate, emanate light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Emanate Light!
This vessel need not be grounded at all. She may simply be Presence and Source in the earth. No need to be anything but that. And the joy is overtaking all things now. And no need to be worried, afraid or cautious. All things are as they should be and abundance is pervasive. And all the children of every age, let them come, and do not forbid them, for they are being transformed into light beings, and all the children of this one shall be taught of wisdom and full of peace.
Now my dear, it is time for you to sleep well, sleep well. Be at peace, be well. Rest. No effort required. No effort required.