Who's Driving Your Car?
Judah: Hello, good evening, Judah here! Thank you for your presence here. You are our presents. Your presence is a present to us. We do want to pass it over to our Pleiadian friends for a time of whatever. All of us, any entities that come are here in service to you, to what is important to you, to what is on your heart, your mind, what is most pressing for you. For we are your servants. This is our joy. We love to help you where you feel stuck or where you want to make progress. We are looking after your souls. Your souls are precious to us and to all in the universe. They are an integral part of Universal Consciousness, and so we are here to serve anything in any way that might free your soul, my dears. And yes, we would like to allow the Pleiaidans some time to get to know you all and share their beautiful energies and their wisdom.
Pleiadians: Hello, hello dear friends, it’s good to see you each and all. Welcome to this sacred space in time.
Questioner: Thank you very much for coming. Some of these people may not know much about you. You may want to explain a little of who you are.
Pleiadians: Yes, we would be happy to. We have been around for so many millenia, so much longer than humanity. The indigenous peoples of the earth were the first to develop relationships with us. They referred to us as the spirits in the sky, their star mothers. And we were able to communicate directly to their spirits, spirit to spirit, soul to soul with those peoples. And we deeply appreciated their reverence for the earth, your Mother Earth, who is also a living entity with an extraordinarily magnificent soul beyond description, playing such a central part to all of the cosmos. We, in particular, are the Emissaries of the Light Council of the Pleiades. We work primarily with humans through telepathy and channeling such as in this moment, and it is our great joy and desire to share whatever wisdom and energetic light might assist humanity in their progression towards wholeness and joy and taking their rightful and proper place in the cosmos.
And so we are emissaries from the Light Council designated for the purpose of speaking through this vessel to whomever is ready, whomever is hungry, whomever is present. To be present in a gathering such as this is an earmark of growth and readiness and progression of the soul. We are available to all who are present, all who are ready. Yes, we are using words, language, to communicate through this vessel. However our primary communication in a time such as this one is energetic. And so you will feel new and different energies, in, around and through your bodies, and these transmissions are in support of life, flow and personal power for you. And this transmission of energy will remain for many days. Enjoy!
And you may feel it as a heat radiating out from various centers of your body. Each of you may experience something a little different. The energy may radiate from a different center depending on what your need is this evening. And tonight in particular we would like to fire your imagination about the extraordinary possibilities available to you and to all the glorious beings of earth, humans and the animal and plant life, the rivers, trees, rocks, mountains, oceans and also all the cosmic beings that so lovingly watch over humanity and earth. Extraordinary possibilities! For, you see, your culture is also continually firing your imagination towards fear and worry and directing your attention to unwanted outcomes that have yet to manifest. And we are specifically looking to engage ones such as yourselves and many multitudes of others who might consider alternate perspectives. Because anything that has not yet occurred, as they say, is not written in stone. All things are still possible. Some things are more likely than others because of the concerted focus and attention of the masses, attention growing whatever it is focused upon. So we are looking for those who will get off the bandwagon of worry and fear-driven imagination and join us in a sanctified type of imagination that aligns with Universal Consciousness and what is best for all. And for those who are willing to invest in the thought that perhaps there is a happy ending for humanity and for the earth. For we would like to gather the power of intention and the power of imagination around these possibilities.
You see, my dears, there are always only two choices for the soul: to love or to fear, and in love you are open. Love and meditation are two things that have something in common. They are both open, they both open the soul, the body, and the mind. Fear contracts and closes. These being the only two choices: to open yourself in love to all the possibilities, or to close in fear. And fear is always built on a lie, so if you find the lie, and you pull it up by the root, then the fear will die and you will not be in bondage to it anymore. And it is typically based on ruminating on what cannot be changed or forecasting a future with an unhappy ending. A fearful thought is hungry, and it demands that you feed it with more fearful thoughts. Fear wants you to build a case against in defense of its premise. It wants you to gather evidence to support your fear. As we said before through Judah in this room, fear wants to take you for a ride in a very bad neighborhood in the dark, and ride you round and round until you’ve run out of gas. If your body is the vehicle, and your mind takes the wheel, nothing good will come of it. And where is your soul in this metaphor? Is it in the back seat or is it in the trunk? Where is your soul? When we say “soul” we are referring to the part of you that existed before you came to be in your mother’s womb and the part that will continue to go on in existence after your body croaks. Where is your soul in all this fear-driven imagination? One of the primary, top-of-the-list priorities for us is to help each and all souls to awaken to who they are. “Come back to me,” the vessel sang. Who was the “me” she sang of? She was speaking of the soul. For in this lifetime perhaps she was a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, a wife, a singer, a teacher, a waitress, and on and on and on. But that is not who she is. Those are only her personalities, her roles, her eogic parts. Nothing wrong with these things if they are the expression of the soul, if they are in service to the soul.
But the mind has taken on a role in the culture and the race of humanity as a whole that was never intended by the Creator. It has taken on the role of “King of All That,” and the mind wants your soul to sit in the back seat and shut up. So, my dear, take the keys aways from your mind, and let your soul be the driver of the beautiful being that is you, the beautiful body that you have, all your skill, your talent, your experience, your story. Let all of those things come into the service of the soul rather than your soul being captured by all those things. And let your soul, your heart, radiate out through those things and be in dominion. For your soul is the part of you that is God, God-like on the earth. An exquisite piece of the Creator right in the center of who you are. And if you were to die tonight that part would continue on.
So let’s just take the mind down a peg or two or three or four or five, and let the soul shine. Now, what is on your heart tonight?